Our Communities

Commitment to our Local Communities

Prysmian is deeply committed to our responsibility towards local communities, which includes both our employees and the residents living near our plants. This commitment is fundamental to our operations and decision-making processes. 


We recognize and respect the rights of indigenous peoples as outlined in ILO Convention No. 169. This includes the right of local communities to have control over their own institutions, ways of life, and economic development, as well as the right to maintain and develop their identities, languages, and religions within the framework of the states in which they reside. 


Prysmian is dedicated to honoring the unique identities of local communities, ensuring their well-being, and preserving the quality of their local environment. In all our environmental and resource-use strategies, we make sure that our business operations do not contribute to human rights violations, environmental damage, or reduced access to natural resources. 


Additionally, we actively contribute to the economic development of these communities. We ensure fair, equal, and respectful treatment for everyone and strive to have a positive impact on the local area. 


Prysmian is also committed to promoting engagement with local stakeholders. We support dialogue with community representatives and are dedicated to participating in existing programs, as well as planning and implementing social investment initiatives in collaboration with governments and civil society organizations.