Energy Observer: the voyage continues, with Prysmian

Energy Observer: the voyage continues, with Prysmian


It is always a pleasure to tell stories about our products, our activities and new contracts. However, the proudness we put in our daily work in Prysmian also depends on the projects we conduct outside our core business. As we recalled in a dedicated story last June, 2017 has seen the start of a new partnership between our Group and one of the most ambitious endeavours of contemporary years in the environment protection sector: The Energy Observer, the world’s first catamaran engaged in a six-years sail around the world powered solely by renewable sources.

“After having equipped Solar Impulse, this technical support is in line with our commitment to clean energy and we are proud to contribute once again to the success of an innovative and ambitious project: the Odyssey for the future of Energy Observer”

Alain Jeanguillaume

Prysmian Aerospace Director




The catamaran was baptized last 6th June in Paris, and joined Boulogne-sur-mer down the Seine river the following 18th July. From the Channel coasts it took its way to Cherbourg, the Atlantic Ocean, Bordeaux, San Sebastian and the circumnavigation of Iberian Peninsula before passing the Pillars of Hercules and entering the Mediterranean Sea.

The relevance of the mission undertook by Energy Observer has been recently highlighted during the COP23 -  The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – taking place in Bonn from the 17th to the 23rd November.

For the occasion, and to show the commitment to the cause of climate change by the entire team of Energy Observer, the model of the ship of the future has been put on display throughout the event in the Unesco Pavilion in the Bonn Zone. During the six days of the conference, The French President Emmanuel Macron paid an awesome visit to the stand.


Along with the Minister of State Nicolas Hulot, Emmanuel Macron entrusted the most famous hashtag of Bonn’s climate conference to Energy Observer: #MakeOurPlanetGreatAgain


This symbol will embark onboard the vessel for the Odyssey for the Future, to prove solutions exist all across the 50 countries and 101 stopovers scheduled for the first hydrogen vessel around the world.

As well as the organizers, the crew and the other partners, Prysmian Group was honoured by this award and looks forward to welcome the Energy Observer after its arrival in Italian national waters. The boat is currently docked in Monaco. Amongst the activities prepared for the occasion, a movie about the mission, contents in augmented reality about pollution and environmental threats and the opportunity to meet with the crew guided by Captain Victorien Erussard.

The success of the mission has already stimulated the possibility of the creation of a second solar energy vessel affiliated to the Energy Observer group, provisionally named “number II”.

This partnership has been nothing but a further demonstration of our daily commitment towards the environment, performed through an efficient use of natural resources, sustainable logistics flows and responsible waste management.