Materiality Analysis of the Group


Materiality Analysis

The Group's stakeholders have identified the economic, social and environmental topics most relevant and material to Prysmian. Discover our updated Materiality Analysis.
In light of the acquisition of General Cable and its current and potential impacts in economic, environmental and social terms, as well as in terms of reorganisation of the Group's entire structure, in 2018 Prysmian began a process of updating and refocusing its materiality analysis to identify the sustainability topics most material to its business.

In particular, in view of the requirements established by Legislative Decree No. 254 of 2016, in 2018 the Prysmian Group decided to review the results of the 2017 materiality analysis to obtain a more streamlined materiality matrix focused on those topics — and the related GRI disclosures — most relevant to the Group and its stakeholders.

The process was therefore divided into the following phases:

  1. Mapping of stakeholders
  2. Reassessing and rewording the set of topics
  3. Prioritising topics on the basis of an assessment of their materiality to the Group
  4. Prioritising topics on the basis of an assessment of their relevance for the Group's stakeholders
  5. Preparing the materiality matrix


  • Health and safety at work: the Group’s intention to invest in workers' health and safety by introducing occupational health and safety management systems aimed at reducing the number of accidents and occupational diseases, as well as developing training programmes on health and safety in accordance with local laws and regulations;

  • Ethics and integrity: this includes the Group's commitment to a business management model based on the highest standards of ethics and integrity and compliance with laws, regulations, policies and procedures regarding the prevention of corruption and anti-competitive practices;

  • Respect for human and workers' rights: Group policies and procedures concerning human rights, abolition of child and forced labour, freedom of association and collective bargaining, fair remuneration and health in the workplace — including the due diligence process that Prysmian is conducting make it possible to identify and assess risks relating to human rights in order to ensure that such rights are respected.

The 2018 updated materiality matrix was validated by the Sustainability Steering Committee.

In view of closer integration of GC, in 2019 the Group's external stakeholders will also carry out an assessment of material topics, as done in previous years through a multi-stakeholder engagement event.