Telecom Fiber Optic Cables


Speed and reliability of fiber networks power the future of communication

As a technology leader, Prysmian offers a comprehensive range of optical fiber products, including Bend-Optimized Single Mode, Reduced Diameter Single Mode, and high-bandwidth Multi-Mode. The datasheets provided below cover these products, which are ideal for use in telecommunications cabling. For specific attenuation specifications, please refer to our cabling datasheets, as these may vary depending on the cable design.

Cabled Optical Fiber Solutions

Prysmian provides a comprehensive range of Single Mode Fiber cabling solutions for various applications and performance requirements.



Prysmian provides a comprehensive range of Multi-Mode Fiber cabling solutions for various applications and performance requirements.



Prysmian Fiber Optic Cables: Made Right Here

Prysmian is proud to manufacture our fiber optic cables are right here in North America.

See how Prysmian can support your CPF, BEAD and Middle Mile funding with BABAA-compliant Fiber Optic Cable — Made Right Here.