Ethics & Integrity of the Group


One of Prysmian's three core values is creating an atmosphere of trust where people are empowered to make decisions with integrity. Our stakeholders have identified strong ethics as a key driver of the company's success. The Group implements this trust value through its Code of Ethics, a guide for daily conduct for all its employees and reinforced.


The Code of Ethics is in line with the best international practices. It implements the principles of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Rights and the International Labour Organization's (ILO) Fundamental Conventions.

Integrity for all Three Pillars of the Sustainability

Prysmian’s Code of Ethics embraces the themes of integrity in business, environmental responsibility, and human and labour rights.


Applying the concept of ethics in business means respecting the rules and standards of transparency and competition. Our Antitrust Code of Conduct lays out clear principles to deal with competitors and tenders and how to avoid anti-competitive behavior. Prysmian’s Anti-Bribery Policy aims to prevent corruption by prohibiting public officials and private individuals from bribery. Prysmian seeks to create an anti-corruption culture within the company by including i) mandatory due diligence on all new agents, distributors and other relevant third parties including suppliers; ii) internal training; and iii) special software systems and databases to mitigate said risk.

Learn more about Customer Centricity

Download our full Code of Business Conduct Policy

Download our Antitrust Code of Conduct and Anti-Bribery Policy




At Prysmian, intellectual capital and talent development represent strategic assets and the foundation of the Company's growth. Hence the Human Resources Department believes that the promotion of diversity is a strategic objective aimed at increasing the presence of a diverse population at all levels of the organization by 2020. In addition, the global diversity assumption policy seeks to support the creation of a more balanced recruitment pipeline in which diversity is prioritized.

Learn more about Prysmian's  Diversity & Inclusion commitments

Download the Human Rights Policy 

Download the Anti-Harassment Policy



Prysmian seeks to be environmentally responsible regarding its products and how they are manufactured. It calculates the C02 footprint of individual cables, reducing their water and energy consumption in several countries around the globe. In addition, it encourages responsible use of resources and promotes social projects that help develop local communities where it operates.

Learn more about Prysmian's commitment to Communities

Download our Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy Policy and Conflict Minerals Policy